6 Lessons We Can Learn From Professional Athletes

December 13, 2017

When we want to see examples of peak performance, we don’t have to look much further than at a professional sports team – sure, these players make millions of dollars and their lives might seem a bit different from the average person, but there are quite a few remarkable things about them that we can apply to our own success plans.

They have a pretty straightforward goal – win the game; and they organize their lives around that goal. They surround themselves with key people, they train, play, learn, grow, and keep pushing. Are your goals clear? Are you consistent? Determined? Focused? Are you constantly reevaluating your strengths and seeking ways to improve? Are you studying those that are doing better than you and figuring out what you can learn from them??? Athletes model behaviors that are critical to the success of any goal.

Here are just a few things that we can learn from them:

  1. They have a coach: From the rookie to the MVP, all players have a coach. Players understand that their success is linked to those around them. Having someone dedicated to pushing you further, maximizing your potential, and consistently coming up with strategies for you to improve, is key. If you are truly committed to manifesting your dreams, investing in a coach is a great step in that journey.
  2. They don’t stop honing their skills: For most sports, athletes spend more time training than they do playing. They understand that in order to make those championships matter, they must be at their absolute best. That means long days in the gym or practicing out on the field/court. Whether you’re trying something completely new, or you consider yourself to be an expert in your field, you will always benefit from more learning and development opportunities – seek ways to be better.
  3. They have a cheer section. From the cheerleaders to the fans, athletes understand the value of positive feedback. Surround yourself with people who believe in, and support you! There is power in being around those who celebrate your success.
  4. They diversify. The most successful athletes have multiple income streams. They are able to transcend sports and become brands. Whether it’s through endorsements, crossing into the entertainment industry, launching businesses, or partnering with companies in the fashion or nutrition arena, the most successful athletes capitalize on their celebrity status and use it to make more money. You might have one goal or major talent, but that doesn’t mean you should take your eyes off other opportunities. While you work on the big thing, keep an eye out for smaller opportunities.
  5. They experience setbacks. Regardless of the sport, the best teams will inevitably lose games. Even when facing losing streaks, or having tough seasons, professional athletes don’t give up. They keep pushing until they’re successful, and even then, they work hard to defend their title. The path to success often comes with its share of bumps along the way, but it’s important to keep going. Your success will be directly related to your perseverance.
  6. They maintain the intensity. When it comes to playing professional sports, making the team is only half the battle. Once a player lands on a team, they then need to consistently perform at a high level or they’ll run the risk of being benched or traded out. Several players get great contracts, only to find themselves as free agents without a job or team just a year later. Players understand that they can never get too comfortable. They must keep raising the bar and doing their best. Have you found yourself loosing steam with a project you were previously passionate about? Reignite that flame and don’t let up. If you want to accomplish true success, you have to be willing to do what so many others won’t – you must maintain the intensity and eat, sleep, breathe your goal.

“It’s not about how bad you want it, it’s about how bad you’re willing to work for it”

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