Get to work!

March 6, 2018

By the end of February, over 80% of New Years Resolutions are completely abandoned. Diets are broken, smoking habits continue, and budgets go unmanaged.

This inability to stay on course with a goal isn’t a result of a lack of discipline or desire, it’s actually a reflection of the way we view our resolutions.

For millions of working adults and students, workdays can be rough sometimes. We might wake up, sigh, and think “ugh, I don’t feel like going in”, but then we get out of bed, shower, get dressed, and go.

We attend the class, do the job, attend the meeting; even if we’d rather not be there, we do it because we’re responsible and it’s what we need to do.

However, when it comes to our personal goals and resolutions, we often do the work only when it feels convenient.

The truth is, even a hobby can occasionally feel like a chore, and there will be plenty of times when the motivation and passion fade away.

In order to ensure that a personal goal is met, we must work at it whether we feel like it or not.

Similarly to the way we approach our careers or schooling, we must create the habit of taking action even when we’re not feeling particularly motivated to do anything.

Treat your personal goal like a job.

Success requires ACTION and CONSISTENCY. Here are a few tips to help you start and maintain momentum:

  1. Focus on the end goal. Vision boards are great tools to use for this. Create a visual representation of your end goal and display it in a prominent place. Constantly looking at images of a successful end result will serve as a great motivator.
  2. Schedule your tasks. Get organized. Start each week with a specific plan of what actions you’ll be doing to move you closer to success. Once your to-do list is complete, make the commitment to finish everything on it, regardless of your mood. You can tackle the easier tasks first to build up your confidence.
  3. Meditate. Everything is harder when you’re stressed and/ or distracted. Take a few moments daily to be still and clear your mind. After meditating you’ll feel a renewed sense of energy.
  4. Exercise. Exercise has been scientifically proven to enhance moods and improve performance. Incorporate at least 30 minutes of physical activity into your daily routine. From biking to walking, football to yoga – there are so many options and opportunities out there. Find the activity that suits you best.
  5. Celebrate the wins! Appreciate the work you’ve put in and take a few minutes every day to recognize and celebrate your successes.
  6. Never give up! You might be going through a period where your confidence is lost because you haven’t taken action, or you are much further from completing your goal than you know you could be. It’s ok! Be kind to yourself. It’s not too late to regroup, refocus and begin again.

To really achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself you must consistently take action, especially when you don’t feel like it. Breakdowns often come right before breakthroughs – stick with it and keep going!

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