Cultivating a Balanced Life – How to Use the Wellness Dimensions to Improve Your Sense of Well Being.

June 16, 2023

June has arrived! In June we reach the half-way point of the year and welcome the summer solstice (also referred to as Midsummer or Litha). Midsummer marks the longest day (and shortest night) of the year, where flowers and trees are in full bloom and nature is abundant. It’s a beautiful opportunity to spend time enjoying the summer heat and the fiery energy around. With such a sense of growth and abundance in nature this time of year, I usually carve out time in June to focus my energy on my inner light, and to check in to see if I’m on track with the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year. If I haven’t thought about my goals in a while, it’s also the perfect opportunity for me to do a wellness review and see if I’m in need of a little re-calibrating. In this blog post I’ll share how I use the wellness dimensions to get back on track and improve my sense of well being.

Step 1 – The Preparation (taking time to pause)

I’ve recently been feeling pretty overwhelmed with work and life, so having the level head to go into a self-reflective exercise can be challenging. To get myself in a better headspace, I pause. I take some time to sit and be completely still and quiet, with my eyes closed. I take a few minutes to just focus on my breathing; I might also repeat a one word affirmation a few times (like “peace”, “love”, “joy”, or “abundance”). In celebration of Midsummer, and to deepen my connection to nature, I might visualize a gold or yellow light radiating all around me, bringing me energy and abundance; then I grab a notebook and a pen/pencil, and start writing. I don’t write with any real goal in mind, I just write to see what comes out on the page. It could be ideas, frustrations, or just a stream of consciousness. As I write, I ask deeper questions like: “why is that”, “what can I do about that?”, “what do I want to do?” For me, this free writing exercise clears out some of the mental clutter that could be blocking my creativity. After doing that for about 30 mins (or longer if I’m on a roll), I get started on a personal wellness check.

Being still has often helped me gain peace of mind, but if movement works better for you, I’d recommend getting a workout in, or going for a walk – just do the activity that helps remove tension and mental clutter.

Step 2: Determine your Wellness Dimensions

Get out a notebook and compile a list of the wellness areas that resonate with you. I’ve provided a few examples below, but it’s not a full list. Your list might look a little different based on the season of your life. For example, my personal spiritual practice includes a strong nature element, so I’ve opted not to include an “Environmental” section in my personal list. There have also been times where I’ve opted to focus solely on “Marriage and Family Relationships” instead of having a “Social” section. Similarly, the social section for you might include a community involvement component, or that might be a completely different area.

  • Spiritual
  • Physical
  • Occupational/ entrepreneurial
  • Emotional
  • Exploration of Hobbies
  • Intellectual
  • Financial
  • Social/ Relationships/ Marriage/Parenting
  • Environmental
  • Community involvement
  • Legacy building

Step 3: Decide on Action Steps

Review what each wellness dimension means to you, then list out a few positive changes you can implement in each area. I’ve included a few examples below:

Physical Wellness:
This is all about taking care of your body. Regular exercise, healthy eating, quality sleep, and preventive healthcare play a significant role. Find activities you enjoy, fuel your body with nutritious food, and make sleep a priority to boost your energy and overall quality of life.

Tips for Physical Wellness:

Get moving with activities you love, like walking, yoga, dancing, or anything that gets your heart pumping.

Choose nutritious foods like fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins to nourish your body.

Create a soothing bedtime routine and set up a sleep-friendly environment for quality shut-eye.

Emotional Wellness:
Emotional wellness is about understanding and managing your emotions in a healthy way. It involves self-awareness, resilience, and building positive relationships. Practice self-care, express yourself constructively, and reach out for support when needed.

Tips for Emotional Wellness:

  • Take time for mindfulness and meditation to tune in to your emotions and handle stress.
  • Engage in activities that make you happy, like hobbies, creative outlets, or enjoying nature.
  • Cultivate healthy relationships by being open, listening actively, and showing empathy.

Intellectual Wellness:
Intellectual wellness keeps your mind sharp and engaged. It’s about seeking knowledge, embracing creativity, and stimulating your mental faculties. Enhance problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and indulge in lifelong learning.

Tips for Intellectual Wellness:

  • Dive into books, exploring different genres to broaden your perspective.
  • Challenge your brain with puzzles, games, or learn a new skill or language.
  • Let your creative side shine through painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument.

Social Wellness:
Social wellness revolves around building meaningful connections and fostering a supportive social network. It’s about healthy communication, empathy, and positive interactions that contribute to happiness, reduced stress, and a sense of belonging.

Tips for Social Wellness:

  • Spend quality time with loved ones, engaging in activities that deepen your bond.
  • Be a good listener and show empathy to strengthen your relationships.
  • Join groups, volunteer, or be part of clubs to expand your social circle.

Financial Wellness:
Financial wellness is about effectively managing your finances and developing a healthy relationship with money. It involves budgeting, saving, investing, and planning for the future, bringing peace of mind and security.

Tips for Financial Wellness:

  • Create a budget to track your income and expenses, finding areas to save more, and make more.
  • Build an emergency fund as a safety net for unexpected expenses.
  • Educate yourself on financial matters and explore investment options to make informed decisions.

Occupational Wellness:
Occupational wellness involves finding fulfillment and satisfaction in your work. It’s a continuous journey of growth, learning, and aligning your career with your values and aspirations.

Tips for Occupational Wellness

  • Find purpose and alignment – Reflect on your values, passions, and interests to identify career paths that align with them.
  • Establish work/ life balance
  • Enhance your skills and learning
  • Foster Positive Relationships
  • Manage Stress and Prioritize Well-being
  • Cultivate a Positive Work Environment

Spiritual Wellness: Spiritual wellness involves finding meaning, purpose, and connection to something greater than yourself. It can be expressed through creating your own spiritual practices and rituals, mindfulness, nature, or personal beliefs. Nurturing your spiritual well-being can bring inner peace, clarity, and a sense of harmony.

Tips for Spiritual Wellness:

  • Engage in activities that align with your values and beliefs, such as meditation, prayer, or reflection.
  • Spend time in nature, appreciating its beauty and finding solace.
  • Seek moments of silence and solitude to connect with your inner self.
  • Question and clarify your values
  • Search for meaning and purpose in your own life
Just by bringing these areas to focus, and placing your awareness on them, you start creating an environment for growth and progress to occur.

Step 4 – Take Action

This is the simplest, but often most challenging part of the process. Take a look at the action items that resonated with you in step 3, then commit to incorporating them into your daily routines. The key here to be consistent. Click HERE to download my habit tracker to help you stay on track. I also often set reminders on my phone, or write my morning and nighttime action items on my bathroom mirror so I’m constantly reminded of what I should be doing (planners are also a great tool to use for doing this).


Wellness is a journey, and small steps can often make a HUGE impact. Commit to being consistent. Make these action items part of your lifestyle, and find the balance that suits you best. Your well-being is worth the effort!

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