The healing power of plants.

June 11, 2020

Nature mends broken hearts, cluttered minds, and troubled souls.

Orphic Flux
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Me with my little tomato tree

I’ve always been aware of the healing powers of nature. For as long as I can remember, taking a walk or just being around trees and plants have always made me feel more at ease. Right around the time social distancing was enforced, I saw a random online add for a class on how to grow your own food, and I was intrigued. That lead me to want to try starting a vegetable garden, which then got me interested in learning more about plants in general. Before I knew it, I’d developed a healthy obsession with plants. Turns out, a lot of people are currently trying their hand at gardening, or buying a house plant for the first time. Perhaps the current state of the world is drawing us back to nature.

Let’s be clear, I do NOT have a green thumb; the concept of me planting anything at all was both pretty funny and a little intimidating; but that’s all part of the process. Some plants will grow and some won’t. And if you choose to use containers, you don’t need that much space, and you can move your plants around to give them more or less light based on the way they’re responding.

I also found out that there’s scientific evidence supporting the benefits of plants. House plants improve air quality (getting you a better night sleep). They also boost your immune system, mood, concentration, productivity, and creativity; and if you’re looking for a way to spruce up a room and upgrade your decor, plants are a really beautiful option. Planting a tree in your yard is also a great way to protect the environment. Trees absorb greenhouse gases, a major contributor to climate change.

None of us are strangers to stress; however I’ve personally found that just by taking a few moments to be close to nature, whether it’s by sitting in a garden, visiting a park, or just closely examining the little potted plant on your window ledge, you’ll discover a healing energy that’ll help you feel more aligned, more grounded, and more at peace.

Plants aren’t magic, but they are magical. Next time you find yourself in the garden section of a store, or passing by your local garden center, consider taking a look at the plants and bringing one home with you. Many garden centers also provide free shipping, so if you’re still under a stay home order, or aren’t comfortable venturing out just yet,you can still get all the plants you want delivered right to your door.

Get lost in nature – you might end up rediscovering new parts of yourself!

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