Stepping off the wrong path in search of the right one

November 29, 2017

When it came to expectations on my education and career, I grew up under very fortunate circumstances. In my family and social circle, I was expected to get good grades in school, go to University and get a practical major, and then get a decent job after graduation. Once at that job, I was then expected to climb the corporate ladder.

For many years I followed this life template to a T, I played the office politics, aligned myself to the right people, sought out influential mentors, and for the most part – the template worked. I got several promotions, and my career trajectory looked promising.

As my career grew I found myself feeling more and more unfulfilled, as an introvert, I also felt increasingly drained. I constantly felt as if I was playing a character who had absolutely nothing to do with who I actually was. My life didn’t feel like my own. The closer I got to accomplishing a career goal, the more eager I was to leave that job.

After a lot of tears, feelings of anxiety and frustration, seeking out books and articles on the topic, meditating and self reflecting, the realization I made was pretty simple:

Just because something looks right on paper doesn’t mean that it’s right for your life.

Realizing that the template doesn’t fit is scary, but ignoring that voice and continuing to live a life that doesn’t feel like your own is soul crushing. Whenever you feel trapped in a career that pulls you farther away from who you are, you owe it to yourself to push back, and start living for you.

Three things you can do right now to start taking more control of your life:

  1. Take 5 minutes out of every day to meditate: when you’re caught up in the whirlwind of doing what you “should” do instead of what you “want” to do, it can be a little confusing to even remember what your passions are. Taking a few minutes out of every day to focus on your breath, and clear your mind will help you get more clarity.
  2. Take Action: you don’t need to walk away from your job right this second, but you must carve out some time in your day (every day), to either pursuing what you really want to do, or to exploring, researching, practicing and discovering what it is you might want to do (if you’re not certain just yet).
  3. Keep at it: dedicate 45 days to taking some action every day. This repetitious behavior will create a success habit that will make manifesting actual dreams much more achievable.

There are many uncertainties in life, but one thing we know for sure is that time is passing by. Regardless of whether we spend our time in a job we hate, or pursuing one we love, time will pass by. Why not take a chance at happiness?

You deserve a fulfilled life – make time for building one!

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