My”Feel Good” Initiative

July 18, 2022

“When you feel good, you open the door for positive energy to reach you.”

We’re officially halfway through the year! Traditionally, this has been a time for me to get laser focused on my goals, reassess my priorities, and create a strategic plan to increase my chances of accomplishing all those goals I set in motion at the start of the year. This year however, I’ve decided to take a different approach. Instead of creating a list of goals to tackle, my focus for the rest of the year will boil down to just two words…Feel Good.

How my plan will work:

Instead of focusing on what I need to do, my attention will be on how I feel. And not on a superficial surface level, my focus will be on identifying and honoring whatever feels good in my soul. As long as I trust my inner guidance system and tap into that energy, I’ll be fine.

  1. It’s all about being mindful. In order to make sure I’m making time for things that feel good, I’ll need to do regular check-ins with myself and increase my level of awareness of how I am actually feeling. If I feel good, then I’m on the right track, and if I don’t – that will be my cue to redirect my energy and make a change. In the past, I’ve had a habit of focusing all of my attention on tasks, and other people. There have been countless times where I’ve honestly disregarded my own needs. This exercise of constant check-ins will force me to stay in the driver’s seat of my life, and it’ll require me to focus inward and take stock of my own emotions for a change.
  2. I’ll need to be self aware. Focusing on feeling good is all about being intentional and action oriented. I’ll need to be clear on what sorts of activities make me feel good; that way I can set intentions each day to ensure that I’m actually making time and space for those things. For example, being in nature feels good to me, so it’ll be a great practice for me to start and end my days by spending a few minutes outside. I also love learning, so dedicating time each week towards learning something new would be a great practice. I’ve already signed up for a free course online and have a few digital library books saved on various topics that I’d like to learn more about.
  3. I’ll need to be willing to change. Focusing on what feels good also makes me acknowledge the things that feel the opposite; like being in pain, and feeling depleted at the end of the day. If I want to feel better in my body, I’ll need to change what I’m currently doing (or not doing). I’ll need to make time for fitness, and also incorporate more plant based meals into my diet. I’ll need to use less screen time and get more sleep. Feeling good will require me to break my habit of sedentary behavior, and instead focus on moving more.
  4. I’ll need to be fluid. While there are some general activities that feel good, what serves me best will vary depending on the day. There will be some days where feeling good will mean resting, or watching a show, not because I am mindlessly doing a time-wasting activity, but because I am consciously aware that taking a break for rest or entertainment will feel good to me and be good for me.
  5. I’ll need to set boundaries. There will be times where I’ll need to say no. There will be times when protecting my peace will mean creating distance from people, or declining to participate in special projects or activities. It might make some people uncomfortable, but ultimately, it will be exactly what I need.
  6. I’ll need to step out of my comfort zone. There will be times where I’ll need to say yes. There will be times where I’ll need to get off the sidelines and participate, I’ll need to raise my hand, volunteer, ask questions, and contribute. If there’s something that feels good, then I need to put myself out there and engage.

Two simple words: FEEL GOOD; but with those two words, there is much power. And there’s an added bonus – what we focus on tends to multiply. So as we direct our energy on feeling good, we can anticipate even more events, people, and circumstances appearing in our lives that will enhance those positive feelings.

When was the last time you made feeling good a top priority in your life?

Want to join me by doing your own “Feel Good” Initiative? Here are three simple steps to get you started:

  1. Make a list: Carve out some time to list out the things you like. As a bonus, as you’re making the list, put a little energy into feeling what it feels like to do those things. This activity will not only create a shift in your energy and focus, it’ll give you some useful ideas on what activities you should incorporate into your daily/ weekly routine.
  2. Practice stillness. Being aware of how you feel, and how the environment you’re in makes you feel will require you to be in touch with your emotions. This step can be very challenging for some people, so you might need to set reminders on your phone throughout the day to pause and check in with how you’re feeling.
  3. Get started. The best thing about this initiative is that Feeling Good feels good! So there’s no need to delay, or plan, or schedule. Just be intentional and unapologetic in prioritizing your joy!

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  • Reply Yell July 23, 2022 at 1:18 pm

    I try my hardest to live this way! ❤️ The post and the messaging of your blog (gratitude!!❤️)

    • Reply Sanya July 23, 2022 at 1:27 pm

      Thank you Yell 💕 It’s not always easy, but it’s definitely worth it.

  • Reply Karen Kasberg July 23, 2022 at 1:27 pm

    I love the way you think! Having a positive mindset really is key to living a happier life. Thanks for your great tips!

    • Reply Sanya July 23, 2022 at 1:46 pm

      Thank you so much Karen!

  • Reply Maci July 23, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    What a detailed and thorough post! So much great info, thanks for sharing!

    • Reply Sanya August 8, 2022 at 6:54 pm

      Thank you!

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