Point Forward – Let Go of Regret, and Take Control of Your Own Destiny

June 19, 2022

Don’t look back, you’re not going that way

Have you ever sat back and asked yourself any “what if” questions? Those are the questions where you reflect on your life choices and ponder where you’d be now, at this very moment, had you made a different choice.

You might ask yourself, “What if I took that job all those years ago? What if I had moved to that city? What if I had never left that relationship? What if I had ended that relationship sooner?”.

There are so many moments in life, where we are at a fork, a major crossroads, and we are consciously aware that the decision we make in that moment will impact the trajectory of our life. Where we decide to live will determine the people we meet and experiences we have; what we study, and the career paths we choose, will impact future relationships, opportunities, and maybe even the income we make.

Sometimes these reflective moments give us a sense of relief, and we think things like, “I’m so glad I made that decision!”; but other times, when we constantly look back, those “what if” questions quickly turn into “I should have, or could have” statements. And when that happens, we find ourselves burdened under the crushing weight of regret. I’ve personally fallen into that trap, and caught myself saying things like, “gosh I wish I had learned that skill 10 years ago, I’d have been a pro by now!”

While on a surface level, it might seem harmless to entertain those “should have/ could have” statements, they’re actually terrible for our personal progress. If all of our attention is focused on the opportunities we missed, that means we’re not focused on the opportunities that exist around us right now, in the present. And if we once again miss the opportunities of today, we’ll wind up at some future state, regretting not taking advantage of this moment; and the cycle will keep repeating.

So how do we break the cycle? How do we move forward?

It all starts with awareness. Right now, in this very moment as you are reading these words, I want you to consider that you are once again at a fork in the road. What you choose to do with this moment, can change EVERYTHING. If there are aspects of your life that you don’t like, you have the power to change it. Whether you take action, or choose to not take action, you are writing your story. So instead of thinking, “what would have happened if I had taken action all those years ago?”, ask yourself, “what will happen if I take action now?”.

If you have air in your lungs, and you have conscious thought, your life still has purpose. Make a decision to refocus your attention on this moment; then take a deep cleansing breath, and boldly and bravely take the reins of your life. As you shift your focus to where you are now, you will start noticing opportunities and insights to help you on your journey. No need to look back, start where you are , and decide where you want to be from this point forward.

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