Becoming unstuck

December 5, 2017

Can you relate to this scenario?

You’ve identified your goals and even gone the extra step to create a vision board and affirmations, but you still aren’t getting any closer to seeing results.

According to the Law of Attraction, it’s your job to focus on the “what” (identifying what you want) and the Universe will determine the “how” (creating the opportunities and pathway). So if you’ve done your part and identified what you want, why aren’t you moving forward?

While creating goals is a critical step in manifesting your dreams, it’s not the only step. What you must now do is create a daily habit.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Success is not action, but a habit” – Aristotle

Now that you’ve identified your goals, and you’ve visualized the end result, it’s time to incorporate action items into your daily routine. These actions will eventually lead to success habits.

Here are 5 things you can do to get started:

  1. PLAN: Daily planners are useful when scheduling important events, but they’re also great tools when creating new daily habits. Whether you decide to use an online calendar or a paper planner, start each week by writing down the specific actions that you need to take each day during the upcoming week. These items should be directly aligned with your goals.
  2. KEEP YOUR PLANNER UPDATED: As the week goes on, you may be faced with new opportunities or new challenges. Take time every day to go through your to-do list and check things off as they are completed. As new opportunities present themselves, incorporate them into your weekly calendar.
  3. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT: If you know that daily to-do lists don’t typically work for you, take the extra step and schedule your activities as you would important appointments. Assign a time to each item you need to accomplish (for example, instead of writing “workout for 30 mins today” put 12:00-12:30 treadmill, set an alarm if you need to.)
  4. PUBLICIZE IT: Accountability partners are often the secret sauce when it comes to accomplishing tasks. Tell a trusted friend what’s on your daily agenda and invite them to follow up with you to make sure you’ve done what you said you’d do. Find someone who is relentless, someone who will constantly ask you how that goal of yours is going. Pick someone you can’t easily avoid. If for no other reason than to save face or get them off your back, you’ll find yourself being more productive.
  5. CELEBRATE THE SUCCESSES: Ending each day with gratitude is not only a great practice in manifesting dreams, it also makes you feel great. At the end of each day, take time to celebrate your accomplishments and give thanks for the things you are grateful for. This dose of positive energy creates great momentum to propel you forward and closer to accomplishing your goals.

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