Finding Your Word for the Year – 5 Simple Steps

December 26, 2022

As the new year approaches, many of us start to reflect on the past year and think about our goals and resolutions for the year ahead. While setting specific goals and resolutions can be helpful, it can also be overwhelming and difficult to stick to. That’s where choosing a word for the year comes in.

Over the past few years I’ve stuck to a simple word or phrase that represents the theme for the year ahead. It’s helped me to maintain focus, and simplify what I want to manifest.

A word for the year is a single word that you choose to focus on and incorporate into your daily life as a guiding principle. It can be a noun, verb, or adjective, and it should be a word that resonates with you and aligns with your values and goals. The idea is to use your word as a reminder and source of inspiration to help you stay motivated and focused throughout the year.

At the end of last year I chose to “Vibe Higher” to be my guiding principle for this year. In every aspect of my life I asked myself, “is this my highest self? Is there a way for me to raise the bar, and raise my frequency?” and then I’d act accordingly. As we approach the end of the year, I feel proud of all I accomplished and the intention I put into my life decisions. Now with the new year just a few days away, I’ve used a few simple steps to find my word for the year.

If you’re ready to find your word for the year, here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Reflect on the past year. Take some time to think about the events, experiences, and feelings that stood out to you in the past year. What themes or patterns emerged? What did you learn about yourself and your priorities? These reflections can help you identify what you want to focus on in the year ahead.
  2. Consider your values and goals. What values and goals are most important to you? Your word for the year should align with your values and help you work towards your goals.
  3. Make a list of potential words. Once you have a sense of what you want to focus on, start brainstorming a list of potential words. Don’t worry about finding the perfect word right away – just write down any words that come to mind.
  4. Narrow down the list. Take a look at your list and start eliminating words that don’t resonate with you or don’t align with your values and goals. Keep narrowing down the list until you have a few words that really stand out to you.
  5. Choose your word. The final step is to choose your word for the year. Trust your instincts and choose the word that feels the most meaningful and inspiring to you.

Remember to make it actionable! Once you’ve chosen your word, it’s important to make it a part of your daily life. You can write it down and place it somewhere where you’ll see it often, such as on your desk or in your planner. You can also incorporate it into your daily habits and routines, such as setting intentions with your word in the morning or using it as a mantra during times of stress.

For this upcoming year, I’ve selected LOVE as my word. As part of my daily routine I intend to set an intention each morning to be loving, and use love as a guiding principle. Whether I’m interacting with others, or focusing on my own personal health and wellness, throughout the day I’ll ask myself, “are my words, actions, and decisions coming from a place of love?” and if they aren’t, it’ll be my cue to redirect. I also love crystals and often incorporate them into my mantras and meditations, so I’ll be wearing a rose quartz this year as a constant reminder to keep love in focus.

Choosing a word for the year can be a powerful tool for setting goals and intentions, and for staying focused and motivated throughout the year. It can also serve as a reminder of what matters most to you, and what you want to cultivate and embody in your life. Take some time to reflect and choose your word for the year, and make it a part of your journey towards personal growth, fulfillment, and living a more purpose driven life.

If you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed and you need some assistance with creating your word or setting some intentions and routines for the new year – I can help! Contact me HERE and let’s get to work!

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