It’s not them, it’s you. Why most of your frustration’s misplaced, and how to really tackle it.

May 5, 2019

“Every fault you find in others is usually a reflection of something you don’t like about yourself.”

A few years ago I remember being really frustrated with a friend of mine who was in, what I perceived to be, a pretty terrible relationship. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why she wouldn’t leave this guy who appeared to be stringing her along.

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KonMarie Your Life – How to get rid of the clutter and make room for bliss

April 29, 2019

“I’d rather have four quarters than a hundred pennies”

Like many people, I started the new year with a new found drive to get more organized and get rid my my junk. I took a hard look at the contents of my house and found that in just about every room, I had items that I don’t use, don’t need, but have held on to over the years. So, when I came across Marie Kondo’s Netflix show “Tidying Up” I was intrigued. On the show, Marie visits the homes of different people and she helps them de-clutter and simplify their homes. She does this by demonstrating a unique approach called the KonMarie method.

By the end of each episode the clutter is gone, the clients are happy, and there’s a sense of well being all around. While clearing out clutter might appear to be a purely physical exercise, I’ve found that it also tends to have a profoundly positive effect on your emotional state.

As I decided to apply the steps I learned from the show to clear out my closet, it occurred to me that a lot of her advice can actually be applied to life. Here’s how I apply the KonMarie steps to life.

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You Gotta Have Faith

August 18, 2018

When getting ready to try something new, it’s pretty common for fear to find a way in.

Fear is that unhelpful energy that keeps us stuck right where we are, because we tell ourselves that something bad will happen if we change things. Our minds tend to like the familiar, but in order to achieve true success, we need to embrace change and step out of our comfort zone.

So how do we reconcile the desire we have to move on to something else, with our fear of actually embracing change?

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Your Routine For Success

May 25, 2018

A great tool to have under your belt when it comes to manifesting your goals and dreams is setting morning and evening routines. They don’t have to be long or complicated, but they need to be intentional. Think about it, the way you start and end your day creates a powerful energy around you that can either help or hurt your progress. Continue Reading

Get to work!

March 6, 2018

By the end of February, over 80% of New Years Resolutions are completely abandoned. Diets are broken, smoking habits continue, and budgets go unmanaged.

This inability to stay on course with a goal isn’t a result of a lack of discipline or desire, it’s actually a reflection of the way we view our resolutions. Continue Reading

NOW is the time!

January 9, 2018

Close your eyes. Take a long, slow, deep breath, and just for a minute or two, think about something you accomplished in your life that you are really proud of. Just sit with that feeling of pride. Let it marinate. Think about how you felt when you finally did it. Continue Reading